There are quite a few people who know very little about fishing. Many people do posess expert knowledge, and many earn special rewards. At either of these levels, there is more that can be learned about fishing. Existing skills can always use sharpening, and new skills may be learned. Follow these effective tips to become the best fisherman possible.
After finding the perfect spot to fish, move slightly upstream and cast your line there. This way, your baited hook will land past the fish. If you want to attract fish to your bait, try your best to simulate the motion of a natural downstream drift. This works better when the fish are under some obstruction of some sort.
Make sure to wet your hands before you pull your fish in to remove the hook. This keeps the fish’s skin from drying out when you handle it. Wetting your hands is especially important for catch-and-release fishing, when you should take the most care in returning the fish safely to the water.
Not every fish will make a great meal. Smaller fish and excessive catches are typically released back into the water. Controlling how much fish you take from a lake really helps ensure future population of that lake.
Be mindful of your bait’s color versus the water’s color. You want the fish to easily see your bait. When the water is murky, make sure you use visible colors. On the other hand, you should use darker colors when fishing in clear water; this ensures that the bait is not camouflaged by its surroundings.
Never waste fish if you can avoid it. It always brings a lot of joy when bringing home a large bucket of fish, however, if you are not going to eat them all, it is just a big waste. If you feel you have caught too many, release some of the fish, or share them with friends.
You might consider trying out a net or gaff hook in order to catch larger fish. Gaffs help you grab the fish and pull it into your boat from the water. The use of a net may be a superior option since there is a lesser likelihood that you will wound the fish severely. If the fish is badly wounded, you will not be able to safely return it and it may also be more difficult to prepare it for consumption.
Bug Spray
Make sure you take along bug spray. When you are fishing, you are going to be closer to bugs and insects, which include mosquitoes. Spare yourself the distraction and discomfort by bringing insect repellent. If you fail to pack any bug spray, then you have a good chance of getting bitten by mosquitoes. Being bitten is not something you want when fishing.
It is very important that you stay hydrated while you fish. You need to replenish your fluid levels throughout the day, whether or not you feel thirsty. Bring plenty of water. Dehydration could creep up suddenly on you, and the dizziness and exhaustion it brings could make you fall from your boat. Ironically, water is a great way to protect oneself from the possibility of drowning.
Use barbless single hooks when having a trip with catch-and-release fishing. This will enable the fish not to get hurt when you return them back into the water.
If you go fishing, you want to catch a fish. No matter how much experience you have, there’s always something to learn. Apply the tips in this article, and you may find yourself catching a substantial amount of fish.